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Rules & Regulations

​Camping Rules:

  • Absolutely no fires outside the fire pits- make sure fires are doused before retiring to bed for the night.

  • No littering- dustbins are provided!

  • Be conscious of your surrounding. There are many creatures and plants a like so be sure to take care of them if you happen to find them. Ant heaps,trees, bee's and springbuck are some basic examples of what we hold dear.  i.e  Do not damage! 



  • All persons entering Otium Oasis do so at their own risk. The owners and staff shall not be held liable for any damage, loss, theft, accident or death suffered by any person whatsoever

  • No pets allowed

  • All guests will be checked in and out

  • No loud music and no swearing  is allowed.

  • Quiet time from  22h00

  • No smoking in the tents. Ashtrays are provided outside

  • No fireworks of any kind

  • Please put out all fires when leaving the braai area at night

  • Perimeter fence is electrified

  • Do not damage or remove any fauna and flora

  • Children must be supervised at all times whilst playing on the premises, at the  pool (no diving) and play area

  • No glasses or glass containers near the pool area

  • Close the hot tub and pool with the space-blanket after use to ensure heat retention

  • Do not touch any of the solar lights, irrigation, pumps or any electrical equipment of any kind, you do so at your own risk

  • The animals can be fed only carrots or apples

  • No screaming or shouting around the animals please

  • Damage to the property is immediately redemptory

  • No refund for early departure

  • Please leave your chalet as neat and clean as you found it

  • Please report any broken or damaged items in the chalets and campsite

  • Management  retains the right to  remove you from the property should  our rules not be followed or  behaviour is unacceptable 


Spiders, bees, snakes and scorpions are part of our environment and will most probably not harm you if they are not disturbed, but some species can be venomous. Please be careful and keep an eye out for them.

Guests are reminded that all animals are potentially dangerous. The Otium Oasis owners and their staff members cannot be held liable for any injuries caused during an incident involving the behaviour of animals.

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